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Time is in fast Motion

Hello my loves, I am so excited to be addressing you today.  It took me all day as usual to find my information to get into this blog.  This is my first blog and I can't let her go.  I was shocked when I realized how much time has passed since I wrote here.  My grandson Dylan, who is now 2 was due to arrive the last time I posted, so I have been too busy doing things that are important and not so important.  I feel like the young lady in the photo, free and happy. My natural hasn't grown out that much yet, but soon.  One thing that hasn't changed is how I feel about living your life in the moment.  If you aren't doing that believe me there are plenty of those who are.  The challenge is to learn how to create the abundance that you require to live the joyous experience that you know you want.  Here are some steps to get to that level of experiencing life: If you feel anything less than this video everyday you are doing it wrong....

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