Happiness is the key to success in life
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Happiness is the key to accepting the change that is necessary for our growth. The thoughts that we think are usually a result of what others have told us is good for us or how we should be. I am thankful for wisdom that comes from my higher self. I have made major life changes in the last year and continue to grow.
Dr. Wayne Dyer tells us all of the time "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. I have done this and it is true. It is not always easy, but it is true. Stop looking at life as something other than what it is. Life is our moment to moment experience, we can not jump to the middle as so many do on a daily basis. We are to enjoy the journey that we consider our life. John Addison CEO of Primerica, said" you ought to get up everyday and live as if this is your last day, cause one day you are going to be right." Imagine that, we runaway from death daily, yet one day we will die, it is inevitable. So why not be as happy as you can while you can. Since we don't have a date, that means that everyday is a gift to be cherished. God is good and we should appreciate the blessing we can be daily. Love Maiose