
Good Afternoon, God is soooo good and I feel blessed to be among those that are living this experience.

Time is a wonderful thing. I have learned that it is the only thing that we actually all have in the same amount each day. Learning to appreciate time is the key to success in life.

I have like most of us do always taken time for granted. It is easy to do. We wake up and go about our daily routine of living and just expect to wake again the next day and repeat the same without the expectation of death. I noticed that I had not written in my blog for the last 6 months, why? the usual excuses. I am busy... truthfully I have gotten re-married since that time,and that was one of my manifestations, but it is just an excuse. One of my mantras is focus on your desires and they shall come to be or we become what we think about the most.

Focus and time go hand in hand, since time does continue to pass whether we plan it which takes focus or if we allow it to slip by which requires no effort on our part it will just happen, we must begin each day with a plan. Last night I was considering what I wanted for breakfast the next day, assuming that I would still be here, so I planned to make waffles. Usually I just get up make coffee and get going to work, since I had pre-planned (focused) on what I wanted ahead of time my brain and my body were one and we had waffles and bacon and coffee this morning.

I just watched a video a family member sent me from 1996 and I was surprised to see a much younger me and some family members who are no longer alive, in the video very much alive with no care to when the time comes just enjoying the moments we were in 14 years ago. God truly is good and we have to remember to focus on the desires that we have for our lives everyday so that we may achieve them one at a time.

John Addison CEO @ Primerica said " You need to live each day as if it's your last, one of these days your gonna be right."
I choose to live today to the full, not regretful or angry,grateful and humble for all that I have received as a gift in this present moment I have created.
Peace today and enjoy this very moment live now!!
Love Maiose


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