Our choices in the moment
Our choices in the moment are tricky. Most of the time we are making our choices which are our decisions in a rush. We base what we are going to do on what someone say's is the right information. We make our decisions based on what a religion has told us is the way. We make our decisions based on what has already been or what is right now not looking so good. This is flawed information. What someone tells us is for them, they can't think our thoughts for us. We don't know what their thoughts are when they are giving their opinion. When others give us their opinion it is vague and general. When we look at what is, we have created that with our thoughts from the past, so the manifestation is the evidence of our previous thoughts. We have to think and feel when we are making our choices.
We must begin to slow down the process by checking how are we feeling in the moment that a decision is to be made. If we are already practicing living in the moment we will already be telling ourselves in moments when we are not feeling good, I want to feel better than I feel, I want to feel good, I don't feel well, but I want to feel better than I feel right now. I want to feel as good as I can feel from where I am right now. Sometimes we need a little help. Some soothing or joyous music, a relaxing bath, burning some white sage or frankincense (which truly cleanses the energy in you physical essence and all of the spaces that you occupy) ( www.SmileHerb.com ),take a long drive,go to the beach, or just take a nap. All of these methods are what I use and they work to get rid of negative energy. This is a dual universe so if positive or good energy exist so must negative or bad energy.
We have to live with others, however we can not allow them and their negative energy to effect our experience. As we learn to stay more in the moment and not living in the past(what was), or in the future (what we think will be) and focus more on right now making the choice to feel good no matter what so that we may experience more and more joy, we find that life is really really good. Everything really is alright, and we are doing a very good job.
A wise millionaire I know, Mr. Mike Humes, defined choice as," doing that which is preferred." So as we make our choices which is living our daily lives,we must allow how we feel to be of greater importance than what is. We have to know that we are more spirit than human and that our spiritual connection is vibrational just like the electricity that powers our world, and is therefore invisible. Our true nature is unseen so practice using it more. We can not touch our feelings but they are a wonderful guide that our Source gave us to let us know if we are being our higher selves or our human selves. Einstein said it best, "E=MC2, Energy is everything.