Live, Laugh, Love in the moment
We are so blessed with so much all the time and it continues to grow. I am living my dream daily and it is my wish that everyone I come into contact with knows that they can also. Living your dream is different than mine. All of our lives we seek our purpose, our meaning, our reason for existence. All of these answers are within us.
We have to choose to love, choose to feel good, choose to do what gives us joy. Not in some distant time, now right now. The longer we put off the doing of that which pleases us the more dis-satisfied our lives are. I can't even attempt to make my partner or my children happy if I am not. I have long ago decided to live my life in such a way that I am happy. This does upset others who believe what they have been told about what their lives are supposed to be. I have found that whatever I chose to do that pleases me makes life better for me and for others. Think about it, if you live your life like my partner who goes to his job 6 days a week 12 hours most days, merely for the paycheck not the enjoyment, or the great service he provides to others in need of his product you are like he is very unhappy. He is like most people conditioned not to believe in his dream. We all have one (a dream). We all can live it. Now in the moment that we are in.
How do you start to live, laugh, & love in the moment. Easy, just do it. In each moment no matter what is happening choose to live, laugh, & love right now. Do what you love, now, right now. There is no-one holding you back, but you. You have all the control of your life. The universal all that is, source, God, Buddah, what ever handle you give this energy, it does not matter, is on your side, it does have your back. It is working for your good. Once you realize that life will always continue, even after we leave our physical bodies. This should be a sign of hey I only have a finite amount of time as who I am right now, I should enjoy it, I have no idea when it will end. My father died about 15 years ago @ age of 52. My son who is 9, has never met him, Life goes on when we leave. I have many of my family and friends who have done the same all at different ages and times in life. I do miss their presence, but they're time is up. We all have a day to leave this physical life, not our spiritual essence which is infinite, but our physical presence ends, so let's Live, Laugh, & Love in the moments that we have which are only now, right now. The next moment is not a promise.
Begin that home-based business, take that skiing class, climb Mt. Everest, marry that person you love, what ever it is do it now, do you know the day you are leaving.........?