The Power of our Emotions
The power of our emotions is so magnificent. They are this gift from our source that we can not turn off ever. We can however use them as a gauge on what we are really giving our attention to. Until I heard this information on the movie "The Secret", I did not get it. The teachings of Abraham - Hicks is what I studied since they were the ones to introduce this information to me. We never learned this in school, from our parents, or any religious entity. We have always been told to just deal with them. Usually we were told to ignore them. Males have always been told that crying or being emotional is being feminine. With what you just learned, now you know this is a tool, or indicator, not a curse.
Think about it, when you are feeling sad, you are usually thinking of something sad or depressing. If you are feeling happy you are thinking of something happy or joyous. What you can't do is think of something sad and happy at the same time. How wonderful is that? Clearly if you are feeling sad and you find something to focus on that gives you joy or maybe just a smile, like your pet, your child, your favorite song. It doesn't matter what it is if you can deliberately change your focus to something that makes you feel the slightest bit better you can move away from creating more sadness in your experience. We become what we think about the most. We can use our emotions as our guide to what we are thinking about, and change the direction of our lives moment by moment stop rushing to the middle of things. Jesus say's," What man adds one cubit to his stature by worrying?" Matthew 6:25-34. Read this whole passage. These scriptures make sense and are the truth. Worry is negative energy, focus on what we don't want. You can tell by the way you feel, what you are giving your attention to.
This does take effort this is our daily job. If we stop more often in our day to day interactions we can see where we can let things go and don't hold on to the what we think someone is doing to us that creates bad feelings. Make the choice more and more and to focus on good. I know that I asked you in the last blog to study about the vibrational universe that we exist upon. This will help you to understand how your life is what it is now.
Learn to use your emotional guidance system, Abraham-Hicks, practice it daily you will begin to enjoy life more and more. Life is a journey, not a destination.
Love Maiose