We don't have to be right, do we?
We are so blessed and this universe that we live upon is great and well-being, and abundance flows to us at all times. Our focus is what we are, period. We often complain, and the more we do we get more to complain about. This is the law of attraction in action. Once we realize how we are feeling we have to in the moment turn our attention to something, anything that is joyful. This is a journey, not a sprint so know that you don't have to be right, you only have to feel as good as you can. This often means that others will see what you are doing or being as wrong. That's ok too, just continue along your journey one step at a time, one experience at a time. It may get lonely, but it will get better.
A key to success in life is gaining an understanding of where you are in your experience and accepting it as a good place to be. As I said earlier focus on ease and flow and know that you can always make another choice. There are no wrong choices. Experience, not words teach us and give us our best lessons, which lead to our knowing, which is our connection to our higher self. We are loved by the life force that created all that is, as we continue moment by moment we grow and we get better even when we don't see it.
Stop letting others have control over what you choose to do or not do, this is your life, this is your experience. Create the best you can at this moment in your life, move forward expecting good to be your experience. When you feel that it isn't; that isn't wrong either, just make a new choice and begin from there.
I often wonder what is our experience once our physical bodies cease to exist, but then I think what does that matter, clearly it doesn't matter to those who continue to live or we would continue to dialogue with them and be able to have the knowing of that. We should seek to live the best life we can, where we are right now in this moment of our time space continuum since there is no promise or guarantee of anything beyond right now.
What would you do with your life if you knew that you were going to die tomorrow? Would you do exactly what you've been doing??? It is our presumption that we won't die tomorrow, yet how do we know? We don't, yet we continue to live our lives in a way that is far less than pleasing to us just because we think we have to. "Choice is doing that which is preferred." Mike Humes. We do have a choice no one is making them for us it is us doing all of the choosing.
Life gives us exactly what we expect from it. No more, no less. Now repeat this to yourself daily;" Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better." Emile Coue' .
Love Maiose