Joy is living in the moment, happy
Joy is our focus today all is well in every moment. We may not think so, but it is. Think about the fact that we don't have to control the inner workings of our physical apparatus, we don't even have to control our becoming into the human form that we know as ourselves. The shape of our eyes, the color of our hair, the formation of our lungs, the length of our legs, I could go on. We just appear with everything intact for the most part,and we have nothing to do with it.
We have to learn to focus on that which is joyful. It does not have to be over the top extreme joy, just what makes us feel good instead of what doesn't. This takes effort, because we have been trained to do the opposite. Society tells us to look at what is; and keep looking at it until a feeling which is our vibrational picture of it takes hold of us. Then we don't feel good. There is no joy and we don't know why we are unhappy in our existence. Life is a joyful journey that we create as we go along, we can't get it wrong because it is unending. There is always the opportunity to re-direct and begin again, make a different choice.
I've said it many times, no one is making us do anything. No one can think our thoughts for us we are doing it , and we are the only one in charge of our thoughts. Our thoughts create our feelings, and our feelings create our reality. Make the effort as often as you can to choose a joyous thought. Even if it is a day dream or a good memory of something that made you laugh or when you had fun.
Begin to have more fun in the moment. Stop taking life so seriously. None of us are getting out of life alive so live today as if there is no tomorrow, one day you will be right. Have fun today. "No thought lives in our heads rent free. Each thought we have will either be an investment or a cost. It will either empower us or dis-empower us. It is imperative that we choose our thoughts and beliefs wisely." T.Harv Eker.
Love Maiose