Joy is a key to success

Good Morning,it is a wonderful winter day, the temperature is in the teens, however, I feel so alive because of it.

I am born in the summer so I have a tendency to not appreciate the winter months at all. As I took my son to school this morning, he and I noticed how extra cold it was from the previous morning. I still don't like it. It just serves as a reminder of the vastness of the Universe and all that is. How we as spiritual beings having a human experience truly are a part of something that is greater than we are and we have little control over the major parts of the experience.

I have learned that we can at any time choose to experience joy in all of our experiences. The things outside of us do not dictate our experience, like the weather, the person who cuts you off in traffic, your boss, your spouse, your children none of these things that are all outside of us matter. It is how we choose to react to these things. Do you choose joy and love no matter what the experience? I am learning to choose joy, peace, love, wealth, well-being and an abundance of these things in each moment.

Now this is something I have to put into practice each day, but not just daily. This must be practiced in the moment. The right now is the only time that actually exist. We look forward to the next moment and the next in increments of days, weeks,months, and years, but we only have the right now.

So choose joy, right now. Smile, think of those things that give you peace and happiness. Phillipians 4:5-8; Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy- meditate on these things.

Wow, I had to write all of that it is so powerful. This is how we need to utilize our mind power in each moment. I have come to realize that when you do this you don't have time to focus on anything that is negative. How great is that? Well since what we think about expands and becomes a thing that manifest into our present reality we can be certain that we will experience a life that is a match to that which we desire or dream of.

If you still have doubt, just test it out. For one month begin to focus only on the things that are noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report,and praiseworthy. That is what the Apostle Paul meant when he said "meditate on these things." To meditate is to have thought, or to focus. Do it today and continue all day. Then the next day until this becomes the way you live this month. You will need help. If you have been thinking other thoughts which most have since we are programmed to go with the flow of what others think. You know the media is negative by design, sensationalism sells.

Today skip the evening news, if that is too much to handle then skip the first 15 minutes that is where they tend to place the most sensational, usually bad news of the day, once you do this for a few days you will since a bit of relief in what you are focused on as you sleep and as you go about your day.

Next, visit the local public library, or your local book store. Ask the Librarian or the customer service person to assist you in finding inspirational books, one I am re-reading is by Joel Osteen, "Your Best Life Now," It is a wonderful book that gives more than inspiration it gives you instruction on how to achieve your goals. Here's an excerpt "Your own wrong thinking can keep you from God's best." "If you will change your thinking God can change you life, He is called El Shaddai, "the God of more than enough." He's not" El Cheapo,"the God of barely enough! See yourself as God sees you as a winner and an overcomer. This book is great and if you've ever seen Joel Osteen on television you know how he talks, his book reads just like he is talking to you.

Make today the best day of your life and begin a new in this very moment and choose to experience joy. Love Maiose


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