Belief is a key to success in life
Good Evening, All is well in this very moment. I am thankful and grateful for this moment of creative abundance.
I am a creative being of light and I know it.
Beliefs in our lives have such power that it seems that they are all that is. Many people believe so many things and most of what they believe is what someone told them to believe. I speak with people daily and I am amazed at what people except as their life story because someone told them this is the way it should be.
Faith is the religious aspect of belief. As I studied religion I found that we do not really have strong faith in what we say we believe. The reason I say this is that, yes people go to the church and pray and read the bible or religious doctrine, however the action part of the principles they study are not there. In Matthew 21:21 , Jesus said" If you have faith and do not doubt........vs. 22 and whatever things you ask in prayer, believing you will receive." This is faith and this is belief they are one in the same. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN.
How do we believe that which we can not see in the moment that we are in which is our right now experience? It is different for all of us. It is letting go of what is visible now. It is releasing strongholds( ways of thinking) that do not serve you. The best way I have found is to pay attention to how we feel in the moment. This is our Source, God, Allah, Buddha. This is the connection that we have no control over, yet it can give us guidance in each moment. Clearly, feeling good is good and feeling bad is not what we want, so it is not the right choice. Choose more things that make you feel good and more things that are good will come into your experience.
Free-will is given to us at birth and in each moment we have the choice to do that which pleases us or not. "Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow spiritually." Eileen Caddy. In her book, The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron says," God has lots of money. God has lots of movie ideas, novel ideas, poems, songs, paintings,and acting jobs. God has a supply of loves, friends,and houses that are all available to us. By listening to the creator within, we are led to our right path. On that path, we find friends, lovers, money, and meaningful work."
Belief is all that is required. We become what we think about the most. What we think about the most are our beliefs. I did a seminar on this very topic and here is the phone number to listen , 218-862-1099 access code 644567##. This is a 15 minute seminar. We must begin to examine our beliefs. Why do we hold to them if they are not serving us. We must believe that we are worthy of those things that we desire, but don't see how they shall come about. Live more in the moment with expectancy of receiving good.
I am a creative being of light and I know it.
Beliefs in our lives have such power that it seems that they are all that is. Many people believe so many things and most of what they believe is what someone told them to believe. I speak with people daily and I am amazed at what people except as their life story because someone told them this is the way it should be.
Faith is the religious aspect of belief. As I studied religion I found that we do not really have strong faith in what we say we believe. The reason I say this is that, yes people go to the church and pray and read the bible or religious doctrine, however the action part of the principles they study are not there. In Matthew 21:21 , Jesus said" If you have faith and do not doubt........vs. 22 and whatever things you ask in prayer, believing you will receive." This is faith and this is belief they are one in the same. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN.
How do we believe that which we can not see in the moment that we are in which is our right now experience? It is different for all of us. It is letting go of what is visible now. It is releasing strongholds( ways of thinking) that do not serve you. The best way I have found is to pay attention to how we feel in the moment. This is our Source, God, Allah, Buddha. This is the connection that we have no control over, yet it can give us guidance in each moment. Clearly, feeling good is good and feeling bad is not what we want, so it is not the right choice. Choose more things that make you feel good and more things that are good will come into your experience.
Free-will is given to us at birth and in each moment we have the choice to do that which pleases us or not. "Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow spiritually." Eileen Caddy. In her book, The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron says," God has lots of money. God has lots of movie ideas, novel ideas, poems, songs, paintings,and acting jobs. God has a supply of loves, friends,and houses that are all available to us. By listening to the creator within, we are led to our right path. On that path, we find friends, lovers, money, and meaningful work."
Belief is all that is required. We become what we think about the most. What we think about the most are our beliefs. I did a seminar on this very topic and here is the phone number to listen , 218-862-1099 access code 644567##. This is a 15 minute seminar. We must begin to examine our beliefs. Why do we hold to them if they are not serving us. We must believe that we are worthy of those things that we desire, but don't see how they shall come about. Live more in the moment with expectancy of receiving good.