Change in this moment

Good morning, All is well and I feel the abundance of joy that surrounds me in this very moment. 

Change is a key to success in our lives.  Change is occurring in each and every moment.  We don't realize it because sometimes the change is repetitive or in our perception things are staying the same.  Our thoughts create change. If we are thinking the same thoughts we are changing but seeing the same thing in a different way.  Like saying nobody loves me, I don't have enough money, I don't feel good.  Are these things true?  In the moment that they occurred maybe, however if we change those thoughts to he or she may not love me right now, but I am loved, I may not have enough money right now, but I am connected to an unlimited stream of abundance, I don't feel good, but I want to feel better.

We have to be aware that we are creating the things we see or better still we are the author, director, producer, and featured performer of our life, scene by scene or thought by thought.  Stop in the moment that you are in right now and allow yourself to feel.  Do you feel good or bad?  Any variation of that still falls into the same category; somber-bad, depressed-bad,bored-bad;  happy-good,hopeful-good, joyous-good.  Now when we are aware of how we are feeling we can create the change that we desire by changing the thought we are thinking which changes the way we feel. 

We don't have to try to make a drastic change which will cause us to fail, if we are in despair we can feel angry and then disappointed and move on up to hopeful which is on the good side of our feelings.  Abraham-Hicks talks about this in their teachings.  I want to feel good, I want to feel better than I feel right now.  This allows us to be soothed into the change.  Anger is better than despair.  So this is a positive change.  If we are aware and take ourselves there we move to a better feeling place. 

When we do these things we are letting go of resistance which is negative energy, and allow our Source of All that is,(God) to create positive change in the next moment.  The universe is moving in this very moment, if that isn't change we don't know what is.  This is how we mark our existence, the change that is us moving from one moment to the next continuously is called time.  We get what we think about whether we want it or not.  The universe is warm and supportive, whatever we need is already here and it is all for our highest good.  Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change." We must embrace change and be the creative beings of light that we truly are, now in this very moment.  Change is living in the moment, see all change as good.
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