The Law of Allowing

Good Evening, I feel so alive and wonderful. I am so grateful for the opportunity to create.

The Art of Allowing is so phenomenal I am getting very good at this powerful law of the universe. The simplicity of it is to stay in a state of gratitude, love, and joy with the expectancy that you are having a good or happy outcome.

This does take practice. You must in the very time that your out-picturing of your vibrations, which are the things you are manifesting (you call it your life).
When this very thing as traumatic as it may seem is what God sees as necessary to open your eyes or get your attention. At this time you must focus in the moment that you are in and choose to feel good. What ever it takes at that moment to make you experience some joy and it doesn't have to be you doing cartwheels joy. It could be a joke you remember or the thought of visiting your favorite aunt after work or on the coming Sunday. The thought doesn't matter as long as in that moment you choose to feel good.

There is nothing more important than that you feel good. Just repeat that to yourself several times per day. Abraham from Ester and Jerry Hicks says;

Clarity is our natural state of being, healthy is our natural state of being, Eager is our natural state of being, loving is our natural state of being,it is natural for us to have desires, It is natural for us to anticipate happy outcomes, it is natural for us to love, it is natural for us to sing, it is natural for us to play, it is natural for us to skip, it is natural for us to want more, it is natural for us to feel good.

That is enough I need say no more goodnight.
Love Maiose


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