Focus, Focus, Focus

Good evening, I am so thankful and grateful to be alive and experiencing so much joy.

Focus is what it takes to be, do, and have the things that we desire. This is a one of the main keys to success in life. We must train our mind to focus on our desires, Now!!!

Our emotions are our blessed gift that we are born with.
They gives us an internal barometer to what we are focused on in our inner thoughts. We experience what we give our major focus to. This is what we call our lives.

You can try it by just starting to pay attention to what are you thinking when you are making your choices. Is it a good feeling then you must have the matching experience at that time you are getting something good.

These laws of the universe are eternal. Life will always continue, it does every single day. Some dies every day and on that same day some one is born and people live, animals live, the sea lives, and all that is the earth lives. It does not cease with the passage of what we call time.

The time that we have is right now in this moment. Focus now from moment to moment on your desires. Do not be stuck on how you will receive the desires just let God create the how. Just focus on joy and happy thoughts, and things that you would like to do, things that you would like to have. See yourself having them all of the time. You should really make yourself feel how you would feel if the thing you desire came to you. If you can't feel it physically then you are only wishing and no amount of focus will allow you to have it.

Feeling is the belief that is needed with focus to bring about your desires. "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve." Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich.

Practice makes perfect, try it today, expect God to be God and do something because there is nothing that God can not do. Look for something specific that would be great to have but not heartbreaking if you don't focus enough to receive it. Expect to receive a cup of coffee, lunch, finding $5.00 it doesn't matter, if it doesn't work evaluate why, what were you really focused on. If you focus on the opposite outcome like "no one will bring me lunch today, guess what that is an expectancy just of what you don't want. So do it and do it until you get it, life is good.

Be Blessed,

Love Maiose


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