90 Days of Focus

Good Morning, God is good and I am so blessed thankful and grateful for this opportunity to create in the moment.

It takes 90 days of energy filled focus to create our desires.
Napoleon Hill in his magnificent book "Think and Grow Rich" speaks of having A Definite Purpose. This is what is necessary in the beginning of the attainment of a desire. Our minds must not be deterred by random idle thinking all day. Set at the beginning of a 3 month period it can be today, August 11th 2009 until November 11th 2009,do it now!!!

As we create in our mind that which we desire we must feel good and the best way I have found is to focus on good. That's why I like to say God is Good. God is to you and I what ever we call it. This unseen force that walks with us every step of this journey is GOOD!!!!

See it first in your mind it doesn't matter what it is begin with the end in your mind. Stretch what you have always believed because to this point it has gotten us where we are. I include me because this is a learning experience for me this journey that we call life in the physical. I truly experience more of what I want because of the laws of the universe and the application that I utilize them, however the human mind is lazy and has a tendency to want to keep it simple. That means the effort to focus on what is happening right now is less than seeing the end result right now. The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like, all attraction begins with a thought that we keep thinking.

Try it you will like it. Ralph Waldo Emerson said,"A Man is what he thinks about all day long."

Love Maiose


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