
Good evening! I am so grateful today it is a wonderful fall day. Being is experiencing. William Shakespeare said in his play Hamlet Act 3 scene 1 "to be or not to be, that is the question. Technically the verb be is a verb tense that has not yet taken place.

So I choose to be grateful in this very moment. A human being is a spiritual entity existing in the flesh and creating that which is called life. That is what Shakespeare was talking about in his play in that particular soliloquy. I find this to be the essence of all that is.

We in our moments of what we call life have the choice in the instant time continuum, which is the right now, to experience what we choose. All of this is before we die our physical death. Choosing gratitude gives the universe the correct energy signal that allows it to send back to us more of something to be grateful for. I work at it daily. There is always something to not be happy about, however that sad feeling place has lost its charm with me.

Choose each day to look for that which you want, that which gives you joy. If we do this in the moment we will find that life is great. To show yourself you can do it start with something small and as your belief grows reach for the bigger things that give you joy. The things that you have never experienced before. It will make your life more of an adventure than a drudgery. Set a five year goal to do something you've only dreamed of doing, climb Mt. Everest, go to Alaska, start a business. I don't know what you want to do just make it big and learn to focus on the gratitude in each moment daily. Stay focused on seeing those things you want everyday and never quit.

"Everyone you meet or who is in your life is a teacher." Dr. Wayne Dyer Pay more attention to those you interact with daily, those who you know, your family and friends, and those you don't know, the man or woman on the bus, or the girl at the service counter at McDonald's. Get rid of your resistance to life and allow life to flow through you, through showing love,peace and joy.
Love Maiose


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