Awareness is a key to success in life

Good morning, I am so blessed and I am at peace as this new day begins, I am thankful for the opportunity to create in the moment.

Becoming aware is something that is necessary for achieving our success in our experience.

To be aware is to have knowledge, to be conscious, and cognizant, which is having an understanding.

We are born with this awareness, however it is from the moment that we are born constantly being pressed out of us. Our parents, our teachers, our society tells us constantly what we are to do or be based on their ideas that have been passed down from generation to generation.

None of this is our truth, or our knowing. Yet, we accept it and go about our lives based on what" they" say and wonder why we are unfulfilled, unhappy, unhealthy, and feeling unloved.

Jesus was a master of awareness. He knew that He, just like the essence that He was created from, had all power. He never had doubt about what His purpose was, to create. We are creative beings of light. We can test this by looking at what our life is right now, good or bad, look at ourselves as outside observers of what we have created up to this point. We will find that we have thought certain thoughts over and over, repetitively until those thoughts, and those words became things that are tangible. How many times have we said I'm so tired, or I don't feel good, no one will ever love me, the list is endless so I won't waste time, those repetitive thoughts and the emotions that go with them became real.

Now how many times has this feeling inside,said that we were going to get the outcome that we wanted or didn't want and then when it appears we say, "I knew it?" We created it with our expectancy of it. Words , thoughts, and emotions create, our knowing it and paying attention to them is the key to awareness.

It doesn't matter how it's always been. We have a choice in each moment to change the direction of our life. We do this by using our guidance that is within us. The emotions that we feel are our indicators of what our inner (dominant) thoughts are. Proverbs 2:10 says, When wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul, Discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you. We have all that we need, we only need to trust that we do.

We live in a perfect universe, all that we need is available to us if we believe we receive it. Believing is knowing and not doubting or in simple terms expecting God or our source to be what ever we need it to be now in this moment. Joy means we are aware. We are happily experiencing that, which is in the moment, what we actually created.

Love Maiose


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