This is life now, today

This is an abundant universe.  All is well.  I choose what is, living in the moment, now.  Life is good on this side of creation. 

Our lives as we see it is our perspective.  Our journey is that of our choosing.  Enjoying it is the goal.  Dream bigger.  No one is stopping us from living the life we desire.  We have complete control.  Finding a way to be in the moment of now, happy brings more happiness.  Our moments are our gifts from our source.  When we choose to give attention to unwanted things that appear to be so real we attract more unwanted things.  Like attracts like, it has been scientifically proven.  Not understanding the laws of the universe does not exclude us from them. 

Most of the time we give so much attention to what we consider to be missing in our lives, guess what our attention to what is missing keeps it missing from our perspective.  Learning to recognize that, alright I see something I would like to have or experience, it hasn't happened yet, now realize, I am where I am and  it is ok,  Abraham Hicks teachings.  It makes so much sense, we are where we are in any given moment.  We are not dead, so until that time anywhere we are has to be ok.

When it seems that you are overwhelmed with what is and you are not happy about it, find a distraction, read a book, take a long bath, or take a nap, volunteer at a homeless shelter helping others is a great distraction.
Find joy where you can and know that today right now in this moment this is your life, now.

"Life is exactly as you picture it.  Everything that happens to you is a product of your thoughts."  The Instant Millionaire,by Mark Fisher

Love Maiose


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