Happiness is not the goal

Good morning. All is well. I am blessed to in this very moment have the ability to create the life of my choosing.

As we move through this month swiftly and the season begins to change, it is a reminder that life is about constant change. Our rational mind wants us to believe that things stay the same. This is a continually evolving universe and everything is always changing. It is just hard for us to see the change and embrace it. A key to success in life is to embrace the change that is natural.

So if we can learn to embrace the change that is a moment to moment experience we are free. Freedom is the goal, joy is the goal,abundance is the goal. Happiness is not the goal, if we are seeking happiness we give away our power waiting on something to happen,waiting on someone to be there for us or expecting something or someone to make us happy. Joy is an inside job that leads to freedom and abundance.

Be the love you want in your life, be the joy you want, be the peace you want to see, be the abundance you want to experience. Choose not to let what happens to you be your reason for happiness or a lack of it. We have one life to live as who we are right now in this moment make a choice to experience what you want and forget what they say.

We may have to physically do something, but if we just change our focus and allow ourselves the time we need to contemplate what we want to experience we will see that it is all good, we are loved, and it is working out for our best.

Truly,it is in the darkness that one finds the light,so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us ,Meister Eckhart


Nailah said…
Technical error did not allow me to sign this post so,
Love Maiose

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