Adversity is a positve thing
Great morning, I feel wonderful and blessed. I know that you do as well. It is the beginning of a great day. As I thought about my day yesterday , I realized that as great of a day that it was I still had a lot of adversity to face all throughout the day. So I thought why?
We experience growth when we face adversity and do not give up. The great Vince Lombardi said ,The razor's edge concept in football, "most games are won or lost in the last 2 minutes of the first or second half. The second effort concept when a player is initially stopped by the opposing team he/she must always surge forward a second time with the added thrust of a second effort."
This is how we must be about our success in life. We must make the second effort when we are faced with adversity. We must look beyond what we physically see and create in our mind what we want to see. We must hold that vision until it manifest into that which we desire.
The apostle Paul stated that" we must press towards the mark of the high calling." What is your purpose? How do you get there inspite of the daily challanges that you will be faced with?
We must intend to do the thing that we have set to do even when the spirit or the joy is no longer there when we are facing adversity. By visualizing only that which we desire we move unseen forces into motion to bring it about. The only thing that we must do is be diligent, have the desire, and belief that what we want is ours.
You can always tell what your beliefs really are by looking at your actions, there is no other way. Every experience that we have contains a special lesson that is designed just for us to help us reach the success in life that we wish to attain.
We are the Master's of our fate, the captain of our souls, the power makes no attempt to discriminate between destructive thougthts or constructive thougthts, it will urge us to translate all our thoughts into their physical reality. This is why we must be aware of what we are thinking at all times in every moment especially when we are faced with adversity.
Remember that nothing outside of you determines how you feel. You must connect to God/truth/reality to change the story(adversity).
For now know that success in life is easy to achieve once you know the basic simple things that you need to focus on daily that will lead you consistantly closer to the life of your dreams.
We experience growth when we face adversity and do not give up. The great Vince Lombardi said ,The razor's edge concept in football, "most games are won or lost in the last 2 minutes of the first or second half. The second effort concept when a player is initially stopped by the opposing team he/she must always surge forward a second time with the added thrust of a second effort."
This is how we must be about our success in life. We must make the second effort when we are faced with adversity. We must look beyond what we physically see and create in our mind what we want to see. We must hold that vision until it manifest into that which we desire.
The apostle Paul stated that" we must press towards the mark of the high calling." What is your purpose? How do you get there inspite of the daily challanges that you will be faced with?
We must intend to do the thing that we have set to do even when the spirit or the joy is no longer there when we are facing adversity. By visualizing only that which we desire we move unseen forces into motion to bring it about. The only thing that we must do is be diligent, have the desire, and belief that what we want is ours.
You can always tell what your beliefs really are by looking at your actions, there is no other way. Every experience that we have contains a special lesson that is designed just for us to help us reach the success in life that we wish to attain.
We are the Master's of our fate, the captain of our souls, the power makes no attempt to discriminate between destructive thougthts or constructive thougthts, it will urge us to translate all our thoughts into their physical reality. This is why we must be aware of what we are thinking at all times in every moment especially when we are faced with adversity.
Remember that nothing outside of you determines how you feel. You must connect to God/truth/reality to change the story(adversity).
For now know that success in life is easy to achieve once you know the basic simple things that you need to focus on daily that will lead you consistantly closer to the life of your dreams.