Happiness is the way

Good afternoon, it is a wonderful day as is every new day that we have been blessed to be a part of.

Happiness is the way to success in life. We must at all times maintain and actually seek happiness. Our feelings are a control mechanism that let us know what we are actually creating in our daily experience. The way we feel is what we are truly thinking about in every moment.

Since our thoughts create our future experiences if we are feeling anything other than happy or joyous, we are thinking about what we don't want. This is true and you can test it. Just allow yourself only to concentrate on happy thoughts for 24 hours and observe how your day evolves. When things are not the way you would like them to be continue to maintain a feeling of joy.

When defeat overtakes a man the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit, success in life comes one step beyond the point at which defeat over takes you.

Remember we are creating our circumstances. We are naturally spirit manifesting consciousness. Intention is the most important of all events.

Ill will is the intention to cause mental emotional or physical harm.

Say to everything that appears unpleasant you are merely an appearance and not what you appear to be. This is when we must maintain happy thougthts. We must be the change we wish to see in the world. We must live and move and have our being in the feeling that we wish realized.

If we are not where we want to be it is because we are thinking feeling and taking action to be where we don't want to be. Our environment is only showing us exactly how we feel and think to provide contrast so we can choose how we want to think and feel in any given situation. The sky is the limit.

If we say we want to feel good, we are saying that we want to feel God. This is what I heard Dr. Wayne Dyer say in the power of intention. Say that to yourself several times a day and you will. There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way to success in life.


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