Take Action

Good morning, It is a wonderful and beautiful fall day.

One of the keys to success in life is to take action. We are prompted at all times to take action. Most times we call it a hunch or an intuition. This is the God force, our higher power, our knowing that what we are about to do is the right thing to move us forward towards that which we are seeking. Our happiness, our fulfillment, our peace.

We already know all that we need to know. It has been said that there is nothing new under the sun. The reason for this is that there is nothing new we are just becoming aware when we discover a thing. God is all knowing and when He created the universe He created everything and it is all good. We being created in His image and likeness have the same power of creation that He does.

Our thoughts become things, because we are creating.
This means to gain the keys to success in life that we want we must take action which is inspired by God. It is mystical but it is not. Proverbs 23:7 states that "For as a man thinketh in his heart,so is he.

We may say that I don't want to be rich, I just want to be comfortable. I have heard many people say this time and time again however, the word of God says, A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children..Proverbs 13:22. When I learned this a few years ago I knew that I had every right to become wealthy not just for myself but for my future generations.

In this quest to become who we are inside we must become aware of who we are outside and start to take action towards being our true selves.

Today start to become aware of the thoughts that you have that are giving you joy. Ask your higher self why am I here? What is my purpose? Allow yourself to receive the answer. This may take time. It is easy, but you must be patient. It may take time before you actually hear the answer. Just the act of asking and becoming aware that you are seeking an answer will bring it about.

Now we must take action towards its manifestation.
If you are trying to force it you will not have joy. It will feel good and natural. Begin to read more on the law of attraction and manifestation. The universe is always prompting us to greater achievements because we are great and have no limits.

All that we are is consciousness the more thought we put forth in the direction of that which we seek the better we become. Wisdom is the principle thing;Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7.


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