Nothing Can Stop You, but You

Good morning, all is well and getting better, right now in this very moment. The abundance of the Universe is so evident when we open our eyes and allow its flow. I am joyously creating.

A key to success in life is to recognize the power of our mind,which is our thoughts. The creative power we hold is enormous. It may seem like others outside of us are controlling our path, it just is not true. We have been taught to listen to what others say and actually take action based on that without ever pondering what their motivation in giving the advice is. Most of the time it is to make themselves seem wise. Maybe they are wise, but they can't think for us. They have no idea of our true goals, dreams or desires. Usually they are placing their unfulfilled desires on us. Parents do this often. It's not malicious it's just unrealistic. This is the reason most adults find themselves in unfulfilling careers, relationships or life situations.

How do we create the successful, joyous journey? Begin from within. You, me, we are our best advocate. If we don't see ourselves as valuable contributers to life we can't grow. This amazing place we live on, the Earth is a living, breathing thing. It has not failed us(the human race) in all of our existence. It really does provide for us with unending fevor. The ability to be abundant exist at all times. Our thoughts are creative and when we are lazy and just allow others(all others) to create our beliefs about what we can be,do,or have we are stopping our powerful genius, our God given ability to create and design all that we want to see from ever becoming. "The only thing that can stop me is me," Jay-Z.

We prove it to ourselves every day, we are just not being aware and watching the words and the thoughts we are using to create. The best way to do this is to pay attention to how we are feeling," our feelings are our emotional guidance system."Abraham Hicks. Designed by our source (God) to let us know which direction we are going and what we are creating. This creating is easy to do on purpose, but anything easy to do is also easy not to do.

Love Maiose


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